De Kindertuin
(The Children’s Garden)
In 2013, facing high poverty and a lack of safe playgrounds and green spaces. To address this, I created a children's garden in Amsterdam’s Transvaal neighborhood, transforming neglected land into a welcoming community spot. With initial funding from Ymere housing corporation, we transformed neglected, trash-filled land around their family-oriented apartment complex to improve residents' quality of life and attract new tenants—a win-win for the community and a local business.
The Tugelahuis Kindertuin, an early success, now serves third-graders from De Kaap and Linnaeus schools, with structured lessons from Cityplot engaging children in growing their own food with hands-on learning experiences and inquiry-based exploration. After school workshops and activities are offered throughout the year.
The children are captivated by the experience, from discovering earthworms to watching seeds grow into food they proudly take home. Their enthusiasm has shifted local perceptions, with initially skeptical neighbors now supporting the project and even volunteering.
After our five-year Ymere partnership ended in 2018, we secured new support and, with volunteers, revived the original spiral garden using organic willow. The project gives local children fresh air, exercise, and pride in growing food, fostering a lasting respect for nature and community.