Eva De Carlo De Press

Art & Curation

Zout Magazine, Snelkookpan kunst & cultuur, (Pressure Cooker, Art & Culture), by Edo Dijkstra, February 2019

Het Parool, Met Basquiat terug naar Times Square (Back to Times Square with Basquiat) by Edo Dijksterhuis, February 2019

New York Post,  Rogue’s Gallery of Shootheads; Artists show senators in gun lobby grip, by Stephen Rex Brown, July 2016

Het Parool, ‘Videoprojecties over onze eigen proecties’, by Camila Bennink, (Video projections over our own projections'), Review, November, 2016

Dwars, Videokunst Route Transvaal, October 2016

Village Voice, Centerfold, Streets, by Guy Trebay, January 1980

Artforum"Sex and Death and Shock and Schlock (Time Square Show)", by Anne Ominous, October 1980

Village Voice"All Fired Up", by Lucy Lippard, December 1980


Amstelveen Nieuwsblad, Bord op Stadsplein onthuld met verwijzing naar historische routes Amstelveen (Plaque on Town square unveiled highlighting historic routes Amstelveen), March 2022

Dwars: Editorial: Keukenbezoek, by Hella de Groot, (Kitchen Visit), July 2019

Het Parool, Moestuin met een Social Functie, by Liza Titawano (Kitchen garden with a social function) June 2016

Ons Gebied, Buurtbollen Transvaal; buurtkinderen en Scholen (neighborhood flowerbulb planting with clocal children & schools) October 2016

Oost AmsterdamBeroemde Buurtuin,  (Famous community garden) June, 2015

Dwars, De Tugelatuin, Moestuinen in Oost,(The Tugelatuin,vgetable gardening in East Amsterdam) by Ton Hendrix, June, 2015

Oost Amsterdam, Opening buurttuin met warme soep & kastanjes, (Opening community garden with warm soup and roasted chestnuts), November 2015

De Echo, Festive ceremony in Tugelahuis Garden with Minister Nevin Özütok, Feb 2013

Oost Amsterdam, De Deense minister Wonen & Stedelijkbeleid op bezoek in Transvaal Buurttuin, (The Danish Minister of Housing & Urban Policy visits Transvaal `Community Garden), January 2013

Dwars, Mobile tuin steelt de harten in Transvaal. (Mobile garden steals the heart of The Transvaal neighborhood), May 2013

Dwars, Kinderen kweken eigen groenten, (Children grow their own vegtables) nummer 166, June 2013

Dwars, Klussenbank van start, (Chores site launched) February 2013

Ymere Werkt, Met samenwerking komen we verder, (By working together we all benefit), December 2013

Buurtkrant, Bewoners tuinieren in Transvaal, (Resident gardening in Transvaal), December 2010